Xuehui (Shirley) Cao – Lecturer – Traditional Chinese Medicine
Qualifications and work experience
- Master degree of Dermatology in TCM Guangzhou University of TCM; Bachelor of Medicine TCM from Hunan College of TCM; National Certificate in Adult Education and Training Up Skill New Zealand; Practitioner Certificate Dr Tirant Psoriasis and Skin Clinic HO Melbourne; PG Cert in Health Science in Health Professional Education (AUT University).
- Previously TCM Lecturer at Guangzhou University of TCM and attending Doctor of TCM at the Department of Dermatology in Guangdong Hospital of TCM 1997-2002
- Shirley is an Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist who lectures and also supervises clinic part time at NZCCM and owns and operates her own TCM clinic
- Specialises in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions with Chinese Herbal Medicines,
- Granted Chief Physician of Chinese medicine – Issued by WFCMS 2016.