The College provides library services and resources to its students and staff to support their study and research needs. Check at the library on Campus for hours of availability. Both, reference and lending copies of text books are available, to ensure that library users have access to key texts when needed. A range of other resources are also available in the library collections, including CDs, DVDs and printed journals.
The library service can also be founded on Moodle, the College learning management system. Within Moodle, the library section provides access to online information resources such as journal databases. A series of guides is provided on how to locate information or resources for specific aspects of student coursework – often related to particular assignments. Library policy documents, including loan periods, fines, etc. are also on Moodle in the library section.
The library section on Moodle allows access for students and staff at any time to the online library services and resources, so that they can continue their study or research even when they are not at College.