This College is founded on the realisation that acupuncture and Chinese herbal training is well established in New Zealand and is improved by greater input from Chinese-trained professionals and courses more closely related to the standard syllabus used in Chinese medicine colleges and universities in China. Such practices have been developed, tried and proven over thousands of years which is why Chinese medicine is often referred to as traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM. Increasingly it is being called just Chinese medicine (CM), partly out of recognising that CM can better serve today’s world by increasing the evidence base for its diagnosis and practice, as well as relying on the strength of results observed and documented by practitioners over many centuries.
The Bachelor of Health Science majoring in Chinese Medicine-Acupuncture and Herbal medicine (four years), and in Acupuncture (three years) offered by NZCCM is a unique and high quality of Chinese Medicine qualification in New Zealand. Graduates from either Chinese medicine or Acupuncture meet ACC provider’s accreditation requirement.
NZCCM is rated as a Category 2 PTE. The EER report has designated NZCCM to be Confident in Educational Performance and Confident in self-assessment.
NZCCM also has been recognised by the Chinese Ministry of Education and listed on the Chinese Ministry of Education’s Jiaoyu Shewai Jianguan Xinxiwang (JSJ) Study Abroad website. The website is available to view here: http://www.jsj.edu.cn/n1/12040.shtml.
We welcome you to look through our website and if you have any questions please Contact Us
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