Your ‘NZCCM Experience’ commences with orientation held at our Campus located on 321 Great South Road, Greenlane in Auckland. Orientation is usually held on the first day of each semester and attendance is compulsory for all new incoming students.
You will be provided with a light lunch on the day and will have the opportunity to tour the campus, meet your classmates and the faculty. A photo ID will also be taken and it is important that you carry your passport with you.
You will also be given important information on a few aspects of student life in Auckland, our policies and procedures, the support and services we provide and your health and safety on campus.
Advice and information will also be provided on the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students, transport, banking, laws, customs and culture, work opportunities and accommodation options.
Our 24/7 Emergency Number is +64 21 771629 and you are advised to have this number with you during your travel and study duration at all times.
The Management Team and Tutors of NZCCM look forward to welcoming all new students on campus at each orientation and over the course of your studies with us, help you to achieve your educational goals.